Miguel Gómez holds a BSc in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) and a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Plymouth (UK). In 2005 he moved to Costa Rica to work in the marine conservation field.
Miguel has focused on strengthening conservation policies for sea turtles and sharks at both the local and international levels. In addition, he's worked closely with fishermen and local government agencies while promoting the creation of marine protected areas with management plans that promote sustainable fishing practices.
Miguel recently spent six weeks in Belize as part of his Fellowship, collaborating with the Belize Fisheries Department and Environmtal Defense Fund to analyze limited catch data for lobster and conch data collected by local cooperatives and design feasable data collection protocols that can enhance management in those fisheries. He is currently working on a Group Project called "Evaluating management strategies for enhancing productivity and conservation in the commercial swordfish fishery."
Since completing the MESM program, Miguel has aimed to develop multidisciplinary strategies that incorporate ecosystem approaches to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and conservation of marine resources. Miguel currently works with EDF London on a collaborative initiative with WFF Spain to implement rights based management in 15 fisheries across Spain and Portugal.