A fisheries economist by training, Dr. Hugo Salgado focuses his research on using property rights to manage fisheries and incorporating economic incentives into environmental regulation. He has served as an expert advisor to Chile’s Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economics, the United Nation’s Development Program, and Peru’s Ministry of Production.
Hugo currently serves as the Vice-Chancellor of Management and Finance at the University of Talca, in Chile, and is a visiting professor at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Lima in Peru and the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a collaborator with LAFF, Hugo has taught special topics courses focused on design, implementation, and evaluation of rights based fisheries management in the Latin American context. He has also taught courses in Environmental Economics for the Bren School, advised Master and Ph.D. students, and has been collaborating with the Sustainable Fisheries Group since 2010 in research related to using MPAs to manage transboundary fisheries in Latin America.
Hugo is also leading a new research partnership with the Chilean Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR), where he employs mainly empirical research to explore questions of socioeconomic sustainability in the context of aquaculture.
He earned his PhD in resource economics from the University of California, Berkeley, a master’s in environmental economics in Chile, and a bachelor's in economics.