LAFF Program Collaborator
Academy for Systemic Change, Co-Founder


Joe designs and facilitates systems change. He is a founding partner at the Academy for Systemic Change with Peter Senge, a Partner at SecondMuse, and adjunct faculty at Harvard's Executive Education for Sustainable Leadership and National Taiwan University's Global MBA program.

Joe is passionate about the holistic process of identifying, designing, mapping, convening, prototyping, learning and scaling large-scale systems change for social, economic and ecological well-being. He helps multi-stakeholder groups see the larger system and identify high-leverage points for collective action using qualitative systems mapping and quantitative system dynamics modeling.

In his collaboration with LAFF, Joe worked with the Walton Foundation, Bren faculty advisors, and fellows in the early design of the program. His expertise in systems thinking guided the strategic structure of the fellowship. He also teaches a special topics course in systems thinking as part of the LAFF curriculum, and periodically coaches fellows and alumni on leadership and strategic change-making.

Joe's current interest lies in the interaction between impact investing and systems change, and is working on systemic approach to impact investing and systems financing for regenerative economies. He has been instumental in guiding several large-scale initiatives, include the Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals Coalition, Sustainable Apparel Coalition, 50-in-10 Sustainable Fishery Initiative, Cancer-Free Economy Collaborative Network, Sustainable Consumption and Production Network, World Bank Disaster Risk Management Strategy, K-12 Common Core Education Reform, Colorado Water Resource Management, Labor Standard and Worker Well-being, GOLDEN Sustainable Energy Eco-system Lab, El Mangle Action Learning Campus, Clean-tech Start-up Strategy, Micro-finance and Youth Leadership Strategy, among others. 

Joe holds a Ph.D. in system dynamics from MIT Sloan School of Management, a MPA in International Development from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and had spent a year with a Buddhist monastery experiencing Buddhism-in-action through volunteering around the world.